Thursday, August 29, 2013

Cooking, Cars, & their Connection

Here in the South we love our fried foods. We also love our cars. But how can they possibly be connected? Fried foods get a bad rap nowadays, but one of the positive benefits from frying -in addition to the wonderful taste we all can't get enough of - is fueling our vehicles. Honest! Now, don't try pouring your french fry oil into your car's gas tank, but you CAN do the next best thing: pour it into our used cooking oil container at the Recycling Center for further refinement into diesel fuel. Used cooking oil is an often overlooked source of recycling and reuse, and saves money, too, by not having to pay to dispose of it through your trash. It's a win-win  and a no-brainer!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Labor Day Closing

 We will be closed Saturday, August 31 and Monday, September 2 in honor of Labor Day. We will resume regular business hours on Tuesday, September 3.

Our next regular volunteer meeting will be at the Recycling Center on Wednesday, September 4 at noon. Bring your lunch and come join the fun!


Can you believe it?? Labor Day, the traditional "end of summer" blowout is upon us! Where did the summer go? It seems like time is moving faster and faster. Perhaps because here in Georgia we've had the wettest summer on record and so many activities have been 'drowned out'.
      Speaking of rain, DID YOU KNOW?
  • The Chattahoochee River supplies 70% of metro Atlanta with its drinking water?
  • The Flint River begins in a drainage ditch at the base of Hartsfield International Airport?
  • Alabama, Florida and Georgia have been waging a 'water war' over how to share water from  the Chattahoochee River since 1992?
  • The Chattoochee River is the southernmost habitat for trout?
All true. Also true: Keep Walton Beautiful and Recycling Center will be closed Saturday, August 31 and Monday September 2 in honor of Labor Day. Have a safe and fun holiday weekend!